Bad Luck Stories

Do you ever feel being unlucky? I will share some of my bad luck stories on these posts and morale as conclusion to avoid it. it will be sorted on the timeline for a better overview.

Trolled by courier service

On 27 august 2018, I was planning to send the package in courier office near my location on 7:50 PM and found out nearby courier office closed on 8 PM

Then on the next day, I decided to use courier pickup service but apparently the pickup unable to find my location and they decided to cancel the pickup process.

Giving up on pickup service, since it is already 8 PM and being desperate, I decided to open google maps and it says some courier office opens until 10 PM.

Then I depart to that courier office at 9:10 PM and found out it closes at 8 PM. (google maps are being inaccurate), so I decided to try again tomorrow.

On the next day, morning at 8 AM I decided to walk from my workplace to a nearby courier office and there is written notice: closed due to system outage.

almost give up, I am back into the first courier office nearby my location and it also has system outage but fortunately, they can send packages later when the system is back online so I give them a package

finally after three days of pointless journey, the package can be sent. Morale of this story are :

Always call the office phone number before departs

Stuck on the elevator

on 30 Sept 2018, I was going inside an elevator in my dormitory, pressed the floor number and when the elevator door closed, the elevator didn’t move at all and its ambient sound are suddenly gone like the machine that is being turned off.

Being desperate, I pressed all floor numbers, open/close elevator button and lastly the emergency button but guess what? nothing happens!

Started to get panic but decided to keep calm and think of an alternate solution and I remembered that I have a mobile phone in my pocket, then realized it is on low battery (around 15%)

Immediately I open contacts and call dorm officers to open the elevator door and 5 minutes later, they came to force open it and unexpectedly, the officer opens the elevator with bare hands and I am safely got out from the elevator.

Since that day, the Elevator is out of service for 3 days and I was a little bit trauma using the elevator too.

People say the chance of getting stuck in an elevator is 1 in millions, and it means I am very unlucky to become the victim of it and imagine if I didn’t bring my mobile phone that day. Moral of this story is:

Always bring mobile phone anywhere anytime.

Fan Dilemma

My 5-year-old fan is becoming hard to rotate and it is staggering and often not working, I tried using baby oil to smooth the rotation but it seems not working and finally, after three days, it doesn’t rotate anymore.

Then I decided to buy a new fan online to replace it and sell the old fan for cheap price because of its conditions

When the new fan arrives, I tried to turn on the old fan before selling it and it is rotating again (oh my god it is revived somehow)

my 5-year-old fan is trolling me since the new fan has arrived so I need to sell the old fan regardless it is revived or not but still I lost quite a money to buy a new fans and sell old fans in cheap price.

Morale: still unknown, maybe my 5-year-old fan loves trolling its owner 


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